Descendants of Korean Adoptees

This registry is a quick (5-10 min) demographic survey that will gather information about an important and unique part of the Korean diaspora, adult children of Korean adoptees. You must be at least 18 years old and have one parent who was adopted from South Korea. Following the registry, we will contact a number of individuals for participation in an interview. Please go to “About” for more information on the project.


all images courtesy of Bastiaan Flikweert

We currently have 91 children of Korean adoptees who have joined the registry! Below you can see their nationality and the number of people from each country. We are in the process of interviewing a select number for our first study.


USA: 46 Children of Korean Adoptees

Canada: 2 Children of Korean Adoptees

Europe: 38 Children of Korean Adoptees

Korea: 5 Children of Korean Adoptees


The average age of children of Korean adoptees who participated in the study was 25 years old.


58 Children of Korean Adoptees Identified as Female

33 Children of Korean Adoptees Identified as Male